most arab countries, if not all, don't celebrate valentines day. however, due to the number of expats here (westerns & asians), it's very inevitable to see displays of romantic stuffs like valentine cards, flowers, heart balloons and sweets on supermarkets and malls.
it's actually a good sign that this country could allow us to embrace once again one of our traditions as Catholics. some countries are very strict in preserving their own culture that they have restrictions implemented to expats when they observe their traditions and religion. an example of this is in Saudi Arabia where all things RED, which are related to Valentines Day are banned, as they consider this day to be an un-Islamic holiday.
now let's have a look at some countries on how they celebrate Heart's Day!
"In South Korea, women
give chocolate to men on February 14, and men give non-chocolate candy to women
on March 14. On April 14 (Black Day), those who did not receive anything on the
14th of Feb or March go to a Chinese restaurant to eat black noodles and "mourn"
their single life.
"In Slovenia, a proverb
says that "St Valentine brings the keys of roots," so on February 14, plants
and flowers start to grow. Valentine's Day has been celebrated as the day
when the first works in the vineyards and on the fields commence. It is also
said that birds propose to each other or marry on that day.
says that "St Valentine brings the keys of roots," so on February 14, plants
and flowers start to grow. Valentine's Day has been celebrated as the day
when the first works in the vineyards and on the fields commence. It is also
said that birds propose to each other or marry on that day.
"In Norfolk (UK), a character
called 'Jack' Valentine knocks on the rear door of houses leaving
sweets and presents for children. Although he was leaving treats, many
children were scared of this mystical person."

Important reminder: it's not what we give or how we celebrate our Valentines that matters, but on making our everyday a Valentines Day.

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